It was a busy night for the lot of us last moon. Wondering the rehelm of Azeroth just wasn't enough. We had to kill things. Big things, Huge thing, Gigantic things that would make your younger mates cry and run home with their tails tucked. Nah, not really. This was an easy night. First stop VoA. Unfortunately the Godz have put a spell on this instance, one that only allows participants to gather here if the battle of Wintergrasp is held by the right faction. Which faction is that you may ask? Alliance as always. So with a window of an hour to rummage through slaughtering things we didn't have much time to down everything. In fact the end result looked something like this. The Squishy Rogue Lives AGAIN!
Obsidian Sanctum... Having only one wonderful tank we tried to leave a drake up for the achievement, to be renown around the world. My opinion, we needed two tanks, because sitting in front of this guy..Sartharion.
Getting fire blown up godz knows where isn't the best thing for a Rogue wearing leather. Suggestion, an Off Tank, grab the drake or drakes and carry them off to the side of this guy if need be. Our tank rocks, but we have yet to figure out how to place him in two different spots at once. So down the drake until you have an off tanks and this is cake, Yaly enjoy your
Dragon Hide Bag.
*Long drawn out sigh...* Now for Eye of Eternity, also known as EoE. Thank you Poizon for having a key, and Fawlks to mediate the fight, we will get him the next moon. He owes us Gold.
Thanks goes out to: Inglorian, Varok, Aershalt, Fearus, PoizonIvy, Mookness, Yaly, Superdaze, Gilderoy, Fawlks, Omegasupream, Vectance, Phoenixeve. and Lastik. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone. Had fun guys!