Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chasing her tail...

What happens when a Catt gets bored out of her mind? She chases her tail. And while I have no ‘tail’ per say Azorie does.

Azorie being a sickening sweet Balance/Restoration Druid who not long ago Elune blessed with her Moonkin form, she has been roaming Tanaris for some moons now making her way to the Un’ Goro Crator. The trolls there have been giving her problems, thinking they could prey upon a small Druid as herself. Little do they know they have me to contend with. Azorie is being mentored by Fearus a highly respected Boomkin in his own right. I hope one of the things he teaches her is how to keep the fleas off.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh Godz! Not an Arena..

I have made my Rogue career without touching much of the battle grounds and arenas. I pride myself on my almost 3400 honorable kills sticking to just Wintergrasp. My world expanded greatly when Honor points gained could be used to get the War Mounts. However I am truly sorry for those who worked their tails off to get them through marks.

Nothing urges me to start anything that deals with slaughtering a Horde other than that. Given the occasional fishing trip to Grizzly Hills does lead me to kill one or two only if I know I can come out triumphant. You see there are classes in this world that I like to avoid if at all possible. I loathe Hunters, Paladins, and Mages; this excluding my close friends, but even then they know in a duel I am not the number one pick to win. So when you enter a battle ground or arena you cannot choose who your opponent is. I like to control the situation, to work out the fight in my thoughts before initiated.

I have been invited to join an amateur arena team and I am very hesitant. Never being good at dueling plays a huge factor. Rogues are not meant to be seen coming at you, they are supposed to lie in the shadows and wait for you to pass. We shall see where this goes as it develops. How desperately would I love to stick to just Wintergrasp, meet #69.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A New Family.

WRATH REBORN has claimed me... As an independent Rogue this is going to be difficult. To leave my independence behind and become something more however is something my thoughts have gravitated to for some time. I no longer have to sit and wait; now I will stalk and pursue. I will find a purpose in this existence, to help. I have always been one to help though, late nights in darkened forest where young ones strive to become stronger, only to get caught with one or more nightmares they cannot handle. Then a Rogue will slip by, sapping one and taking down another swiftly. No thanks ever asked for but I wonder if they remember me.

Thanks is needed for this. Thank you WRATH REBORN, for welcoming me into your family even before I was accepted into your guild. I hope to get to know all of you, and help you in your journeys as you have helped me in my own.

Good Ol' Number 68! I shall name him Pookie!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

For the Alliance? Or against us?

For the Alliance for some people in Azeroth is hard. It is too complicated to take out the 4 Horde leaders, Thrall of Ogrimmar, Cairne Bloodhoof of Thunder Bluff, Lor'themar Theron of Silvermoon, and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner of Undercity, how hard can it be right? Invited to the raid of 40 brave males and females I set off for an easy run. I came for moral support having already accomplished this before with a wonderful raid many moons ago. Why do I say that it is hard then? Let me explain the rules. Enter Raid 101, class please be seated:

Red, the color of the day.

This makes Number 65 66 and 66 67! Mounts Galore!

I cannot remember when I started collecting mounts, but now it has become almost an obsession. While family and friends run ICC and try their hardest to take down the Lich King, I remain somber. This past moon I remembered rising in the ranks with theWyrmrest Accord. A quick fly by the Quartermaster and I saw it. This majestic Red Drake soaring high above the temple. Cielstrasza turns to me after noticing my jaw slightly dropping at the sight of it and says, "He has been with us along time, no one seems to visit us here much anymore, I fear he will be forgotten." My resolve came quickly to my eyes and she understood. She called the massive Drake down and smoothed its leathery scales once before handing me the reins. The Drake spread its wings wide and knew he was home.

Later that moon, Exodar called me as its champion in the Argent Tournaments. I had defeated many and was recognized for my efforts. To add to the cause of their campaign I turned in 5 of my Champion Seals and a purse of gold for the Great Red Elekk, something to remember my hard work and dedication to reach such heights. So my journey continues...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

VoA, OS, and EoE Oh My!

It was a busy night for the lot of us last moon. Wondering the rehelm of Azeroth just wasn't enough. We had to kill things. Big things, Huge thing, Gigantic things that would make your younger mates cry and run home with their tails tucked. Nah, not really. This was an easy night. First stop VoA. Unfortunately the Godz have put a spell on this instance, one that only allows participants to gather here if the battle of Wintergrasp is held by the right faction. Which faction is that you may ask? Alliance as always. So with a window of an hour to rummage through slaughtering things we didn't have much time to down everything. In fact the end result looked something like this. The Squishy Rogue Lives AGAIN!

Obsidian Sanctum... Having only one wonderful tank we tried to leave a drake up for the achievement, to be renown around the world. My opinion, we needed two tanks, because sitting in front of this guy..Sartharion.

Getting fire blown up godz knows where isn't the best thing for a Rogue wearing leather. Suggestion, an Off Tank, grab the drake or drakes and carry them off to the side of this guy if need be. Our tank rocks, but we have yet to figure out how to place him in two different spots at once. So down the drake until you have an off tanks and this is cake, Yaly enjoy your Dragon Hide Bag.

*Long drawn out sigh...* Now for Eye of Eternity, also known as EoE. Thank you Poizon for having a key, and Fawlks to mediate the fight, we will get him the next moon. He owes us Gold.

Thanks goes out to: Inglorian, Varok, Aershalt, Fearus, PoizonIvy, Mookness, Yaly, Superdaze, Gilderoy, Fawlks, Omegasupream, Vectance, Phoenixeve. and Lastik. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone. Had fun guys!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Weekly Raid, introducing Patch, the one that will kick our ass..

Have you ever felt just a little out of place in your class? Ever felt that you just were not Fuzzy, Fluffy, Feathery, or Leafy enough? This would be one of those time in a Catt’s life where I felt a touch... well... squishy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a Squishy Rogue. It's not that I cannot hold my own in the Rogue world. It's that I cannot take a hit to save my life. Literally. And with a house full of Druids, one could feel a little out of her element.

Enter Patchwerk, the weekly raid that on a 10man would be a breeze. No fuss, no mess, a perfect 5 Frost and calling it a night. Well, not for my group, we like a challenge. I run with a wonderful group of people on a regular basis. People from all walks of life and that have the best attitudes to what this world dishes out to us. But what happens when you have a weekly raid and a 10man just will not cut it. You start a 25man and PuG the rest. I belong to no guild but my own; however WRATH REBORN is family to me and me to them. They do great things with their guild and are kind enough to let me tag along where I may, but this night was a tricky one, something that Tricks of the Trade cannot take the aggro off of. We decided to combine raids with D E A D L Y, another guild that well was starting their own raid and did not have enough people (since a few like to run with WRATH). Former members of D E A D L Y are in WRATH REBORN and in turn bad blood ensues. Why? None of my business. I have my curiosities do not get me wrong. But the best thing a Rogue can do it keep her nose clean and out of trouble. However I wonder, can we all just not get along?

Long story short, we almost had enough, then a few drop including a "pain in the ass from D E A D L Y". I will not name names being neutral as I am, but why not suck it up and reach a common goal. The next words out of someone’s mouth "We have plenty of people to do it", plenty of people meaning 19 for a 25man. Not my cup of tea but I am always game for anything. 3 rezzes later we pick up my favorite Hunter. So now we are up to 20 and a half. Another rez or two, 75G in repairs that I can recall, and no Frost Emblems later I have still yet to do the weekly. I will stand by my suggestion, "When you have 20 people wanting to do the same raid, split it up and do two 10mans."

Patchwerk, I guess you will live to roam Naxx for a little while longer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Glacier Inferno.

Standing in the chill of the night air outside the Icecrown Citadel summoning raid mates I have this hunger that lurks inside. A burning sensation knocking the cold from my body that sends a warmed chill down my spine. I check my gear, axe and dagger. All there, but the slight brush from my hand on the hardened titansteal ignites something. A vision.. Not of battle. Not of blood. But something more....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WhoreCraft: Nexus in the Nude.

What do you get after a night of hunting Horde in the smoldering Hellfire Penn? Building up a sweat that just cannot be quenched in normal PvP, and is not subsided by a little one on one Duel Action? A bunch of Night Elves and one Draenei who have to much time on their hands. So the plan? Lets run our random. Innocent enough or is it?

Enter the Nexus in the Nude.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My DOT! Herbing.. a race to your next fix.

I was fully prepared to rant about a Druid's Herb gathering in flight form, this was until I really understood that it is almost the same as you and I.

You see today was farming day for lil ol' Catt. While my stash was depleted tremendously, and my flask stack almost nil, I had to act before my next attempt at anything. Off to Storm Peaks and the outskirts of Icecrown I flew on my trusty Nether Drake, dipping, bobbing, weaving in and out of mountains and trees, avoiding anything hostile gathering herbage to my hearts content. Then there was the Druid stealing my DOT!

Okay stealing is a bit much, but when you choose to farm for hours and fly for miles just so that maybe that lucky dot will hold a Frost Lotus, you get kind of protective over "your" dots. While at first it would appear that the Druid is simply snaking this Lichbloom I assure you there is more to it than that. For one, contrary to popular belief, including the belief I had before doing my homework, they actually have to 'land' to initiate gathering potential. Then it takes the same amount of time to gather the herb as anyone else farming said dot. The perk to herb farming with a Druid? The after effect. The 1.5 secs that they do not have to channel their mount to regain flight. Long story short and the point to be made here is, before you jump to conclusions, do some research. And if you can't wait the 1.5 seconds it takes to remount before stalking another dot, become a Druid.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Traps in ICC, a Rogues view.

Once upon a time in ICC a Rogue made her way through the darkened hall with her Raid. Look for traps she was told, anything on the floor that is not suppose to be there. And as she set off into this "new" place nothing stuck out to her sharp as eagle eyes. They look like Hunter traps someone spoke, so she ventured in and took a look. Only to find nothing looked like a Hunters tiny traps. No different colored flames poking out of the bear claw contraptions. So her raid went on, dancing in and out of trash and went on to clear the room all the while wondering why no traps were seen.

On this day there were two trap spawns evenly spaced, absolutly perfect in the middle of the room. They looked like they belonged there. Decor' of sorts. All the while I was clueless. Having never been in ICC I was looking for Hunter traps, nothing even remotely close to this.

To all my raid mates, this is what your Squishy Rogue sees. *Never mind the dead rat and the smoke flare.*

Rogue Note: Keep smoke flares handy, the Elders Moonstone will break your stealth where the smoke flares will not, leaving you to stealth close enough to mark them without detection.

Also more times than not only one trap will be visable initially. So make sure your Raid knows that the second trap has the potential to spawn right after the first has been triggered. These traps have a huge radius with aggro and effect.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Herd of Horses.. and annoying bags of bolts.

If you have not been under a rock for the past moon or so you would have noticed an increased amount of shouting and yelling. Two things have entered our world. Azeroth has been over run with Celestial Horses and someone has invented the most aggravating robot to date.

Lets carry with the mount for now. I have mixed emotions about this in every sense. How do you bribe the Godz to give you such a thing? Is there a Celestial breeder that allows these horses to spawn like Noblegarden bunnies? Can I ever sleep without hearing someone yell "Sparklepony!"? Even better, will we have a hunting season for when they overpopulated? While it seems majestic in a manner, the turn off for me is that nothing makes it special. It is cookie cutter, and we all know how citizens of Azeroth love their cookies. So may you ride your ponies and continue to bribe the Godz for things unearned. I shall stick with my grind to achieve mounts of a higher stature. Now to the robot...

Lil' XT invented by IWillAnnoyU4Ever, realm unknown, or else we would assassinate him out of spite. Many have heard the screams across the universe and even into the reaches of Outland. Is there no earplugs we may wear to drown out just that godz forsaken noise or just drown the mechanical fleas period?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nether Rays, it must be the teeth.

Ahh, the Sha'tari Skyguard. I have been bugging them all day it seems as I try and move up in their ranks. Blasted point system they use is maddening. But Revered as I am I have been trying to stay in good spirits about it. Although I feel I am becoming addicted to Shadow Dust. Do you think there is an AA meeting for that? SDAA? Shadow Dust Addicts Anonymous? Maybe I should start one. On a side note, thanks goes out to the Balance Druid that helped me summon and slaughter today, especially for the rez after I died. (I'm horrible with names.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shall I Introduce Myself?

This is strange. You know how hard it is to start a blog in Azeroth? Do you know how much I had to pay the Mage for the port to a computer and the mana its taking this Elemental Shammy to power this sucker? Well lets just say I have my sneaky ways to get what I want.

How you may ask? Let me introduce myself. I'm Cattallie, that's CAT-TALL-LEE for those people that have butchered my name for the past year I've been in this godz forsaken place. If your one of my few friends you can call me Catt, if your not one of those people then you have probably have met your demise by the tip of my Axe. I am a wonderful Night Elf Rogue you see, and my blades are quite the show. Age? Not important. What you call years go by for me like moons and I'm just trying to survive one at a time.

So what does a Rogue want with a Blog? Good question, and when I figure that out myself I will tell you then. But for pleasantries sake lets just say that I come across things in my everyday existence that well... I might need to rant about. Now I am not doing this just for rants and raves. This has a slight potential to be educational as well. Don't get me wrong, I am not the best there is out there, and I do not know everything, but I may have some insight that "the best" could never fathom. So follow if you wish, pass me by while I pick your pockets, it means naught to me, however someday you may want your gold back.