If you have not been under a rock for the past moon or so you would have noticed an increased amount of shouting and yelling. Two things have entered our world. Azeroth has been over run with Celestial Horses and someone has invented the most aggravating robot to date.
Lets carry with the mount for now. I have mixed emotions about this in every sense. How do you bribe the Godz to give you such a thing? Is there a Celestial breeder that allows these horses to spawn like Noblegarden bunnies? Can I ever sleep without hearing someone yell "Sparklepony!"? Even better, will we have a hunting season for when they overpopulated? While it seems majestic in a manner, the turn off for me is that nothing makes it special. It is cookie cutter, and we all know how citizens of Azeroth love their cookies. So may you ride your ponies and continue to bribe the Godz for things unearned. I shall stick with my grind to achieve mounts of a higher stature. Now to the robot...
Lil' XT invented by IWillAnnoyU4Ever, realm unknown, or else we would assassinate him out of spite. Many have heard the screams across the universe and even into the reaches of Outland. Is there no earplugs we may wear to drown out just that godz forsaken noise or just drown the mechanical fleas period?
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