On this day there were two trap spawns evenly spaced, absolutly perfect in the middle of the room. They looked like they belonged there. Decor' of sorts. All the while I was clueless. Having never been in ICC I was looking for Hunter traps, nothing even remotely close to this.
To all my raid mates, this is what your Squishy Rogue sees. *Never mind the dead rat and the smoke flare.*
Rogue Note: Keep smoke flares handy, the Elders Moonstone will break your stealth where the smoke flares will not, leaving you to stealth close enough to mark them without detection.
Also more times than not only one trap will be visable initially. So make sure your Raid knows that the second trap has the potential to spawn right after the first has been triggered. These traps have a huge radius with aggro and effect.
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