You see today was farming day for lil ol' Catt. While my stash was depleted tremendously, and my flask stack almost nil, I had to act before my next attempt at anything. Off to Storm Peaks and the outskirts of Icecrown I flew on my trusty Nether Drake, dipping, bobbing, weaving in and out of mountains and trees, avoiding anything hostile gathering herbage to my hearts content. Then there was the Druid stealing my DOT!
Okay stealing is a bit much, but when you choose to farm for hours and fly for miles just so that maybe that lucky dot will hold a Frost Lotus, you get kind of protective over "your" dots. While at first it would appear that the Druid is simply snaking this Lichbloom I assure you there is more to it than that. For one, contrary to popular belief, including the belief I had before doing my homework, they actually have to 'land' to initiate gathering potential. Then it takes the same amount of time to gather the herb as anyone else farming said dot. The perk to herb farming with a Druid? The after effect. The 1.5 secs that they do not have to channel their mount to regain flight. Long story short and the point to be made here is, before you jump to conclusions, do some research. And if you can't wait the 1.5 seconds it takes to remount before stalking another dot, become a Druid.
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