Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shall I Introduce Myself?

This is strange. You know how hard it is to start a blog in Azeroth? Do you know how much I had to pay the Mage for the port to a computer and the mana its taking this Elemental Shammy to power this sucker? Well lets just say I have my sneaky ways to get what I want.

How you may ask? Let me introduce myself. I'm Cattallie, that's CAT-TALL-LEE for those people that have butchered my name for the past year I've been in this godz forsaken place. If your one of my few friends you can call me Catt, if your not one of those people then you have probably have met your demise by the tip of my Axe. I am a wonderful Night Elf Rogue you see, and my blades are quite the show. Age? Not important. What you call years go by for me like moons and I'm just trying to survive one at a time.

So what does a Rogue want with a Blog? Good question, and when I figure that out myself I will tell you then. But for pleasantries sake lets just say that I come across things in my everyday existence that well... I might need to rant about. Now I am not doing this just for rants and raves. This has a slight potential to be educational as well. Don't get me wrong, I am not the best there is out there, and I do not know everything, but I may have some insight that "the best" could never fathom. So follow if you wish, pass me by while I pick your pockets, it means naught to me, however someday you may want your gold back.

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