Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Worst side of Catt...

My temper is usually cool and collected; this little Rogue gets things done and is to the point pure and simple. For this I am loved, until incompetent people get under my violet tinged skin. I will not tolerate being treated as if I do not care, because I care more than everyone thinks. What do you do in these instances? I have no clue, because instinct took over and rage followed.

I work very hard for my family; I have been vigilantly working on a Core plan for the guild. The Guild Masters and a few other Officers and I have been swapping ideas and suggestions for a Core Raid Group. Details have not been ironed out but will be made known soon. Until this time however as long as no rules are broken, nothing should be complained about.

This moon I was welcomed into communications with a less than desirable message, one inquiring about the raid that took place in ICC this moon past. Almost insisting it should be continued with this particular party present. I declined gracefully that the only parties present will be those that were initially given invitation. Once this was stated, utter madness followed. This member seems to lash out in accusing me of not being fair to others when something was scheduled for another moon. When I tried to explain that nothing was scheduled and we were perfectly justified in doing the raid, I was met with resentful statements contrary to the facts. For this person I shall explain plainly.

There have been members of Wrath Reborn that have been itching to take on ICC for some moons now. These members got together and decided as a good learning experience we would take on what we could. We gathered and had a wonderful disciplined raid. We joked and had fun, all the while maintaining the courtesy of the raid leaders to get the boss fights done. I have never been so proud of a group of people.

This particular member that had decided to enrage before finding out facts not only harassed me but another fellow Officer as well. I tried to explain the guild rules that state that any raid can be entered into as long as it was not on the Guild calendar. The ICC run scheduled this same day of the occurrence was a Rep Run not an actual raid, which each member that entered the ICC the moon before was not accepted to attend for this we made sure of, thus leaving the freedom of choice. We all choose to attempt this raid equally. “Why was I excluded?!” For this I answer that you were not excluded, how can one be excluded from something if not available to attend, you had accepted the Rep Run? At the time this was put together you were not even there and could not be contacted. After this I could not write fast enough to answer the relentless accusations that followed of what was fair and so on, so I took it to vent.

I asked you if you would like to talk to me now. Your response was that you were ‘too mad’. I would have happily dropped down a vent channel to talk this out if you were willing. I asked you to then stop attacking me through chat. You defended the statement and rage followed. I had every member that was on vent whom which I will apologize for my unladylike behavior, siding with me, even the GM himself. No rules were broken; take time to read the notes under an invitation on the guild calendar. When it says that this is a Rep Grind and possible boss encounter, take it as such. Keep your drama to yourself if you cannot take the time to get the facts. There was no reason for either of our behaviors however. After our encounter I left the guild, I was not going to force another member out if they wished to remain there, and I was not going to be treated thusly by them either. You left shortly after of your own free will, and I was welcomed back with open arms.

Take note this member is no longer a part of Wrath Reborn. I will not bad mouth or insult this former member, it is just not right and not needed, and their absence will not affect the future plans for the well being of the Guild. After this, the issue will be closed for this Rogue. Remember that drama tears Guilds apart and will not be tolerated.

1 comment:

  1. hey sharpening your claws and showing your fangs isn't a bad thing sometimes....

    {the guilds most lovable death knight}

