Let's start with the 'Mutiny'. Your squishy little Rogue got called into a Vault of Archavon 25 a few moons past. While a certain Horde Paladin was terrorizing the summoning stone I took it upon myself to slip into the portal and avoid being massacred. The group was set and already taking down little tidbits inside. A thrill of excitement coursed through my rogue veins at the possibility of a full clear. With Toravan the Ice Watcher coming down quickly my hopes grew more. He is said to be the hardest of the initial bosses. Moving on to Archavon the Stone Watcher himself we encountered an issue. The main tank had decided he only wanted to take down Koralon the Flame Watcher and have that be that. Little did that tank know that he was in a party that was half Wrath Reborn, and lets just say there is a whole lot of power in numbers and we knew it.
My wonderful guild mates and I stood in front of Archavon and held there. You see we have an amazing main tank ourselves, along with fantastic healers, and some of the most incredible DPS. Noticing this the tank cried "MUTINY!" and decided to sit back and watch us down Archavon only hitting him at last minute. While Archavon doesn't drop much for the level we are this is based on principle. Why not start a Raid and eradicate everything in existence? Is your time so precious to not take 5 more moments to kill something? My view; If your time is to valuable and you have a false sense of thinking you control the situation, you might want to pay attention to who is in your party. To the tank we overthrew, pay attention.
On a Side Note:

Notice the website address? "Secure Blizzard Entertainment web pages that request your account name and password will contain URLs such as worldofwarcraft.com, blizzard.com, and battle.net." This is from the log in screen for Worldofwarcraft.com. The bad thing is that this is even on the site that is mirrored to look like the log in, except people do not pay attention to the web address on their address bar. Is it that hard to look up?
Whispers are also sent in game, the feeble attempts for others to gain access to things that they have not acquired themselves. In the past week I have heard about 3 people getting 'hacked' and getting 5 whispers myself. Please if you value your account, and your carefully crafted characters take notice. Look at what you are doing. If it sounds to good to be true... you know the rest. To put it simply. Remember the BLUE!
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