Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Way to much Candy!!!

Ghosts, Skeletons, and Bats OH MY!

You have to love this holiday. Creatures of Azeroth starring as strange and interesting things that go bump in the night ride by on Broomsticks and Reins of the Horsemen. Great thing is those things more than likely are you. Candy causing Sugar Rush's everywhere. You have to wonder who our clean up crew is. With all the candy wrappers and well... other things. Raiding candy buckets as well as getting Tricked by Inn keepers. If I had to think of one thing I hated about this holiday.... It would be stealthing through the streets pickpocketing Penny Pouches, Ugh! Come on people, a penny pouch? Really?

It is the one time a year where we can wreak havoc as Horde try mercilessly to invade Southshore just to stink up the place. Something they do for a mere 3 gold and some treats only to taste the blades of  daggers and be beat down into oblivion by stealthy rogues who just happen to be hanging around. (Insert sinister laugh here.)

And the best part about this holiday?! #96 Baby!

A year long wait working my way through What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been... So worth it!

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