I have left my own guild... This happened a few moons ago but it had to be done for my own sanity. Let me explain. When a Guild Mistress/Master has no voice something has gone terribly wrong. When people run the name that you spent days to think of and compose into the ground without a care, again.. something has gone wrong. I had no voice. So instead of telling everyone to get the hell out. That I was loosing my mind being in the prescence of some, I left. I do not feel as if I abandoned anyone or anything but only regained my ambitions and insights. I do not feel like anything was taken from me, other than my sanity for a short time. I have stayed pleasent to all whom have asked and inquired. Although nothing was pleasent. In the short time I have been seperated from the home I knew and loved long ago I have bettered myself in so many ways. Expanding my social circle or being reclusive, which ever I was in the mood for.
You see I opened Eternal Legion to everyone to let them belong somewhere. It would never have been right to ask anyone to leave the home they have helped make. It is a shame however since my leaving that negative reports have found me. Trolls and lack of leadership, but it takes time to build something anew and make it your own. I hope they are trying and thinking of every member that they are equal to and not taking just what they want into accord. I have no idea what is to be made of a name that I once held so dear to my heart, only do I wish that it becomes something great as always.
Give them time... Understand that it takes time... And support each other as a family... Then you will be fine.
Tear each other apart and you will fall.
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