Monday, May 31, 2010
Festergut is no more...
Thanks goes out to: Inglorian (Main Tank Paladin), Rivallus (Off Tank Warrior), Greymaan (Heals Paladin), Yaly (Heals Shaman), Fearus (Boomkin), Fawlks (Hunter), Superdaze (Hunter), Recce (Hunter), and Omegasupreme (Death Knight) (with Polzonlvy (Boomkin) for Vent support). We are so pros at this now! I'm so proud of each of you.
We might have tried this guy 50+ times to get it right but now we know what we are doing. The whole group meshed in every way possible. Grey enjoy your Festergut's Gaseous Gloves . Also to drop was Gutbuster altho not needed by anyone, grats Ing for winning the roll and for winning Avool's Sword of Jin off of trash.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Reason...

I cannot condone a Guild Master that will run away from guild members. They are people and should be respected and treated as such. A discussion should be handled level headed and your vocal tone controlled. I know this is hard to do when opinions clash but when you run away, log off, or just sit in vent and say nothing it shows poor leadership.
More details after the break...
Guild Meeting Notes!
As I am no longer a part of WR I will still hold my word to post the guild notes that were taken at 2pm server this afternoon.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Find the Boomkin!
It's Friday! And a three day weekend for most of us. Hmm plenty of W.O.W. and tons of time to find the Boomkin. Remember to be as detailed as possible in your answer and leave me a hint of who you are. ;)
*Each week on Friday a new picture will be available for everyone to try to Find the Boomkin. The correct answer will receive a prize in game from Cattallie only. This weekly contest is proudly open for all Wrath Reborn guild members.*
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Rogue is a solo act, the mentality of being alone, and a sanctuary in one’s mind. It's odd to have such closeness to friends. But company is a welcomed change.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Worst side of Catt...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
ICC Meet Wrath Reborn...
Tremble as the burning of Wrath surges up your spine. Open your eyes as you catch the scent of ashes in the chilled air. See us Reborn to take vengeance over your domain. We are Wrath Reborn, roll out the red carpet, this is going to be a long visit.
My heart swells as pride fills it. We gathered and surpassed what we knew could be done. First wing down, we’ve got this.
Gratitude goes out to: Inglorian, Greymaan, Polzonlvy, Fearus, Fawlks, Omegasupreme, Yaly, Stormbeast, and Rivallus (Our newest Guild Member). Your squishy little Rogue is very proud.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Find the Boomkin!
So since last weeks was Ssoooo Easy! I hope to present you with a challenge. Remember to put as much detail in your answer to the little guys whereabouts. Good luck!
*Each week on Friday a new picture will be available for everyone to try to Find the Boomkin. The correct answer will receive a prize in game from Cattallie only. This weekly contest is proudly open for all Wrath Reborn guild members.*
Take Note: If you have not registered with Google (G-Mail, Blogspot, ect.) I am not always going to know who Anonymous is, so throw a name, first letter, nickname in there or something. Make it easy on a Rogue lol.
Answer to puzzle after the break...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Glory to my Guildies!
A HUGE heartfelt thank you goes out to Inglorian my wonderful Pally tank, Fawlks my Hunter tease, Mookness the cuddly Boomkin, and Omegasupreme my trusted Death Knight for without the 4 of you this would not have been the absolute blast that it was, you guys are awesome.
Meet #74 the Reins of the Red Proto-Drake which you happily receive in the mail after completing the Glory to the Hero achievement line, how they get it in that little envelope astounds me and the postage must be immense. I wonder if they have Hazard Postage because this thing looks vicious and we have to get one of these for everyone!
If you have never heard of this achievement line it's okay, you probably have half of the achievements just by running heroic Northrend dungeons. I will not detail every sub achievement but I will tell you about the last one I had on my list. Less-rabi was the ultimate worst for me personally, I had my eye on it before this little venture with my guild, making sure every time I ran through the corridors of Gundrak that we would attempt it no matter the group. Moorabi it a tricky son of an Orc, but he can be taken down and in a matter of seconds.
TIP: Skip the first boss (Slad'ran) and second boss (Drakkari Colossus), you can come back to them later. Just clear the trash and go straight to Moorabi, this way if he gets a transformation off you can stop attacking and reset him pending if you live. The point is instead of ripping him to shreds you can perfect what ever method you come up with.
Our method? Honestly we had the best group. A kick tail tank, high DPS, and a lot of interrupts, plus I am a firm believer that a Death Knight (for Strangulate) IS A MUST! A Rogues Kick ability works well except for the fastest transformation. I have a complex about making sure I have enough energy if I am charged to attempt something so I cut my DPS down until the time is right to get the job done. After my Kick on his first transformation Ing suggested using interrupts every second after, so what ever the guys did it worked and we tore him down in record time. Do some research it can never hurt..err much anyway. Happy hunting!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Why is his bigger than mine?
This makes #73 the Argent Hippogryph and can be yours for the low price of 150 Champion Seals at the Argent Tournament. Thanks goes out to my guildies that helped get that last Champion Seal so I could get it. While I have many more mounts and companion pets to go at the Argent Fairgrounds, its something I am happy to do, the gold is good so why would I complain.
One Drake Down, Two more to go...
Ambitious as some of us are, we have been branching out to accomplish what others have done many moons past. Obsidian Sanctum is on that list of accomplishments, but only one in particular. The Twilight Zone 10man is a tricky son of a Orc.
You must leave all 3 Twilight Drakes up and take down Sartharion at the same time. While we have the formula to do it, it is the damage that we have to perfect. The tittle Cattallie of the Nightfall will be mine soon enough maybe along with the Reins of the Plagued Proto-Drake also, roguey fingers crossed.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Catt Troubles...

I have observed in the most inhibited ways and I am not sure I like what is viewed. Rules have been broken, context of character and honor questioned, and no order in this world. While once thought of as a close knit encounter has become a long distance travesty. New roles have been revealed and old ones erased. Will I ever see it the same again?
I ask this question by the moons light while chaos runs rampant, why have I not acted still?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Find the Boomkin!
Find the Night Elf Druid in this picture. First comment to post with the right location wins, and I might send you a little something.
This may become a weekly thing on Fridays so keep a look out.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Weekly Raid... Razorscale!
In the front rooms of Ulduar lies a dorment entity, sharpened teeth and claws that penetrate the air, wings sound of thunder and clash out the screams of your pain. Once Thorim's beloved mount Veranus, now plated in metalic, your worst nightmare.
Thank you goes out to: Aershalt (Warrior *second tank*), Avrana (Druid *off tank*), Mookness (Druid), Fearus (Druid), Fawlks (Hunter), Vectance (Druid), Phoenixeve (Priest *healer*), Texx (Paladin *healer*), and our new member Gordon (Warrior *first tank*).
Raid Notes to come..
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sad Attempts and Mutiny..
Let's start with the 'Mutiny'. Your squishy little Rogue got called into a Vault of Archavon 25 a few moons past. While a certain Horde Paladin was terrorizing the summoning stone I took it upon myself to slip into the portal and avoid being massacred. The group was set and already taking down little tidbits inside. A thrill of excitement coursed through my rogue veins at the possibility of a full clear. With Toravan the Ice Watcher coming down quickly my hopes grew more. He is said to be the hardest of the initial bosses. Moving on to Archavon the Stone Watcher himself we encountered an issue. The main tank had decided he only wanted to take down Koralon the Flame Watcher and have that be that. Little did that tank know that he was in a party that was half Wrath Reborn, and lets just say there is a whole lot of power in numbers and we knew it.
My wonderful guild mates and I stood in front of Archavon and held there. You see we have an amazing main tank ourselves, along with fantastic healers, and some of the most incredible DPS. Noticing this the tank cried "MUTINY!" and decided to sit back and watch us down Archavon only hitting him at last minute. While Archavon doesn't drop much for the level we are this is based on principle. Why not start a Raid and eradicate everything in existence? Is your time so precious to not take 5 more moments to kill something? My view; If your time is to valuable and you have a false sense of thinking you control the situation, you might want to pay attention to who is in your party. To the tank we overthrew, pay attention.
On a Side Note:

Notice the website address? "Secure Blizzard Entertainment web pages that request your account name and password will contain URLs such as,, and" This is from the log in screen for The bad thing is that this is even on the site that is mirrored to look like the log in, except people do not pay attention to the web address on their address bar. Is it that hard to look up?
Whispers are also sent in game, the feeble attempts for others to gain access to things that they have not acquired themselves. In the past week I have heard about 3 people getting 'hacked' and getting 5 whispers myself. Please if you value your account, and your carefully crafted characters take notice. Look at what you are doing. If it sounds to good to be true... you know the rest. To put it simply. Remember the BLUE!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Weekly Raid... REVENGE!!!
Through the portal 10 brave souls entered Eye of Eternity, the den of Malygos. We strive, hungered, and died miserably, but in the end we persevered. It took our little Raid 11 tries to get this right, and through all of that we now know the fight better than anyone.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Find the Boomkin!
I promise there is a Balance Night Elf Druid in this picure. And if you tell me where he is I might even send you a little something.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Two Sets Complete and Crusader Title Earned.
I have become the Exalted Argent Champion through every faction of Azeroth. My new title as Crusader marks my chest piece and I will wear it proudly. I have bested through trials and have defeated champions these above are my rewards.
The Argent Tournament grounds are located in Icecrown to the far northeast of any map. There you will learn to participate in mounted joust for rewards and respect. All five of the mounts listed above are the ones you can procure for 400 gold and 5 Champion Seals but only if you are the Champion of the faction. There are 5 additional ground mounts which take 100 Champion Seals per and two flying mounts which take 150 Champion Seals per to purchase. The next set will be slightly more time consuming since you are limited 10 Champion Seals per moon.
Also acquired over many dead Horde carcasses are the mounts listed below. All can be purchase for the honor you gain during any battleground. The mount vendor in Stormwind will take care of any of your needs with just 50,000 honor points each.
The Turbostrider and the Black War Steed are numbers 71 and 72 of my mount collection.
Finally Over..
Children's week for this little squishy Rogue has come to an end. With battle ground achievements in hand and a title of Matron to match, there shall be no more snotty noses for me. I do ask myself only one thing, "Why do those dragons want to kill the tiny child anyway?" They should have killed Arthas decades ago for spite and save us all the trouble. But then what would we be doing now? If there was no evil in the world? To much to contemplate, and I shall finally try to slumber soundlessly this moon without interruption.
Inglorian be well and keep safe on your journey. We all shall miss you until your return.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Children's Week: Child Abuse?
It is Children's Week in the world of Azeroth, where all the little orphan males and females look forward to adventurers like you and I to sweep them up and show them the world. Wow, are they in for a surprise.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
To Drake or Not to Drake?
Thank yous go out to: Aershalt, Avrana, Inglorian, Fawlks, Fearus, PoizonIvy, Mookness, Yaly, Sia, all from your Squishy Rogue, thank you for the suicide mission.
Obsidian Sanctum revisited, and it will be again and again and again, until at last we will have the ...of the Nightfall or the Twilight Vanquisher titles in hand. Tips: Grab a Hunter, any Hunter. We grabbed my favorite Hunter and gave him a job. We told him to DIE! Well not really, just Feign Death. Doing this after initiating the boss resets it, giving you an extra 15 seconds or so before the Drakes appear again and come down. Still need two tanks though. What makes this gathering so special? It was my first ever total Guild Raid! We decided to leave all three drakes awake and ready, died a total of 9-11 times and spent massive amounts of gold on Avrana's Tundra Mammoth. It's price gouging I'm telling you, there is no way that little guy makes so much money. Did we achieve our goal? No, but we died like champs! We died with passion! A Guild that dies together stays together.... well I guess they kinda have to huh not be able to walk away and stuff. So we decided for revenge to down the drakes and kick the junk out of the pain in the &%$ dragon. Fearus enjoy your Dragon Hide Bag!
In other news, my doubts for Wrath have all but vanished. The meeting this moon was interesting, Raid times were changing, Guild invites were revised, and the Guild bank is still a mess *laughs*. I am now an Wrath Officer, a position I will hold delicately.
Another note: ISN'T HE CUTE!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Are we?
I ask this question a lot and it seems the answers I receive are well just not the ones I would like.
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